
Many International businessmen favour our Bedford incall escort agency when they are in the area. With so many international visitors one might safely assume that a convention of importance was taking place or some other high powered summit was being held here however this is not the case. The reason that our Bedford incall escort agency is always so popular with people from all over the world is the fact that it lies so close to Luton Airport.

Luton Airport is located in Bedfordshire and currently has a passenger capacity of 18 million people every year. Out of these 18 million a large proportion are gentlemen who travel to the UK for business reasons and they often find themselves staying in hotels close to the airport or in neighbouring towns like Bedford. As anyone who has had to travel for business reasons will tell you, once the meetings have all finished it can be pretty boring being stuck in a location that you are unfamiliar with, not knowing what to do or where to go to pass the time. It is no wonder then, that our stunning Bedford escorts and indeed our Bedford massage specialists are so very popular. They are the ideal companions with whom to spend a few hours and pass the time in an enjoyable fashion. Our incall escort agency requires no prior booking and clients can arrive as and when it suits them and simply relax and enjoy the feminine company of our stunning Bedford escorts.

You can imagine then, our delight at the announcement that Luton Airport aims to double its passenger capacity from 18 million to 38million by 2050. From now until then, the airport and borough council aim to increase numbers year on year so that they run over 240,000 flights and create more than 30,000 new jobs in the area. Of course, all this new growth and expansion means only one thing for us at our Bedford escort agency and that is an increase in the demand for the services our beautiful Bedford escorts provide.

Not only is the airport set to expand but the services that support it too. The government announced earlier this year that they plan to build a new railway station so that trains from all over the capital can access the airport. Trains will run directly to the terminal as they do for Gatwick and Stansted and as this makes access to the airport much easier, it will no doubt aid in the increase in passenger numbers. The journey from London to Luton airport is likely to be around 30 minutes and removes the stress out of the current journey which requires passengers to use both rail and road to get to the terminal at the moment. Our beautiful Bedford escorts have heard many nightmare stories of the problems clients have faced in trying to get to the airport from other parts of the UK so hopefully this is something which will start to make things easier. Of course, with new flights being added, many to include long haul destinations as well as all those in Europe will only mean that clients will have more time to spend in the company of our beautiful Bedford escorts so perhaps it might be time to start looking at expanding ourselves! Our own Bedford escorts come from all over Europe, which our clients appreciate as it means that they can spend intimate time with ladies from their own part of the world. If new flights to new destinations are added, then perhaps we will look at introducing new ladies from these places too!
