Let us help you relax

Stress is the body’s way of responding to an event. It can be a temporary factor, or it can be long term and it is the long term effects of stress that can actually play a huge role in our function and well-being. We feel stress almost every day and sometimes stress can actually be a good thing. It can help us accomplish an important task, it can speed up our reaction times when needed for our own self preservation however it can also appear when stuck in traffic, dealing with financial difficulties and family issues. It is at these times that relaxation therapies can be especially important in order to ease the tension, lower blood pressure and relax muscles. Our massage specialists at Intimate Massage may be the ideal young ladies to visit at these times to achieve peace of mind and a release of tension.

Our massage specialists are not trained sports masseuses so if you are looking for massage therapy to heal a pulled muscle or something medical like that, then you will need to go to a specialist service however our beautiful intimate massage specialists know how to help relax and soothe and release all the tension of the everyday little annoyances and irks that can sometimes build up into bigger and more problematic issues.

The massage service that our intimate escorts provide is more to do with the stress of the mind. Our girls know how to shift your thoughts away from those every day issues and to focus on pleasure and relaxation for the hour or so that you are together. This will help to lower blood pressure, even if you pulse is raised, which of course it will be during your encounter! It is a known fact that physical pleasure allows the body to fully relax and that this form of pleasure is a tension release so why wouldn’t you want to enjoy the benefits of being with our massage escorts?

At Intimate Massage we usually have a choice of four beauties available every day. That being said, this week is the week after Christmas, so we have a slightly reduced rota this week. Our service is open throughout the day and the evening and even this close to Christmas we still have a few beauties who are available to see. Whilst we do not operate on a booking basis, we would certainly recommend that clients call to see how busy we are just to that they can gauge when to visit and not be waiting for long periods of time. We would not want to aid in heightening stress factors!

There are plenty of trigger factors in the run up to Christmas that can aid in adding to our everyday stress levels. Even after the event itself stress from being outside of our normal living patterns and of course being at close quarters with people we wouldn’t normally spend time with can all cause issues and lead to stress related problems. It might be the case that you will be in more need of a stress releasing massage or intimate service after Christmas rather than before so if you do want to make a booking and have something to look forward to after Christmas then do give us a call or pop in and see which of our beauties is likely to be available. Just the very fact that you have an appointment booked could be the difference between maintaining your calm or not and it is perhaps better if we can all avoid any explosions over the Christmas period!



